sábado, 6 de julho de 2013

Nova Música de Alex Pedreira - 'You Can't Have Enough Of This'

'You Can't Have Enough Of This'

Baby, listen:
I need to fly...
Let me go, in case
you only want me here to cry.
Let me go, in case
you only want me here to cry.
Uh-hu, baby, baby.

Darling, that's it:
No one can win...
This is loving game
and both will lose it at the end.
This is loving game
and both will lose it at the end.
Uh-hu, darling, darling.

Honey, no sex 
nor one last kiss.
'Cause it's like a cicle:
You can't have enough of this.
'Cause it's like a cicle:
You can't have enough of this.
'Cause it's like a cicle:
Hu-hu, honey,honey.

Inscreva-se no Canal do Youtube - http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=MW4fXZLHmIY&feature=youtu.be
Contatos para shows - (22) 2623-2359 / ascomalexpedreira@gmail.com

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